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Pastor's Blog

A Family Welcome

Posted by Kaury Edwards on

May is the month that we celebrate The Kentucky Derby, BBQ, the end of school, and most importantly - mothers. It is our mothers that teach us many lessons in how to survive the crazy world that we find ourselves in. My mother has taught me a lot.  Here are just a few:

  1. "Always treat everyone the same whether they are the housekeeper or the CEO."
  2. "If they do not pay your rent or mortgage, who cares what they think about you." 
  3. "Never make decisions when you are angry."
  4. "You can catch more flies with honey than you can with vinegar”
  5. “When you are in my house you are not a guest you’re family”

To be completely honest with you, I have not always gleaned what I should have. Still, one thing that will always remain part of my DNA is that we must always treat everyone the same and if you are in my house, you are not a guest, but family. These two life lessons have powerfully shaped who I am today.

Additionally, these statements reflect many of the same teachings of Jesus.  Jesus noted we are a part of him with his story of the vine (him) and branches (us).  Also, the idea that we are to love God with our entire self and love our neighbors as ourselves.  It is this example of radical hospitality and belonging that moves people from simple belief to a place of being adopted and brought into the very family of God. 

One of our four core values at Wesleyan Heights is the core value of welcome.  This value is not a surface level “Boy! It is great to see you today.”  On the contrary, it is a level of welcoming somebody into the family before they really even belong.  More importantly, it is sharing the love of Christ with our guests and visitors from the very moment they walk in our doors.  It is ensuring they experience the radical love that I learned from my mother.  The love that communicates “you are not a guest in this house of worship, you are part of the family”.   

I encourage you to join me in the month of May to consciously look for opportunities to show the radical love and hospitality of Jesus Christ to every single person that walks into the doors of Wesleyan Heights.  I encourage you to welcome all, not like guests, but family.   

 Grace and Peace,

Pastor Kaury

Tags: hospitality, love, mother, welcome

