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Pastor's Blog

How to Return to In-Person Worship Gatherings

Posted by Kaury Edwards on

Pastor Kaury and the Lead Team want everyone to know that much prayer, time, and effort have gone into creating a safe environment for all people to experience in-person worship at Wesleyan Heights UMC. If you feel unsafe or have any anxiety at all about returning to in-person worship at this time, please do not feel pressure to return.  We will continue to live stream our services on Facebook and also make them available the following week on our website www.wesleyanheights.org.


  • All people must wear masks when entering the building. If you do not have a mask, one will be provided. 
  • Upon arriving, you will be greeted with hand sanitizer.
  • Refreshments will not be served in the narthex through July.
  • We ask that people do not linger in the narthex and visit, but you promptly go to a seat in the sanctuary.
  • Seating in the sanctuary has been modified to social distancing specifications from the CDC. Blue Xs on the pews will indicate where you can sit and maintain social distancing from your neighbors.  Also, some pews will be closed from seating.  Families from the same household may sit directly next to each other.
  • There will be an offering plate on a table in the narthex for people to place their tithes in and there will be no offering taken up during the service.
  • We ask that you use the bathroom at a minimum because the bathroom must be sterilized after each use.
  • We will not have a nursery or childcare available on June 7th, but our nursery and childcare will resume on June 14th
  • Concluding the service, we ask that you leave the sanctuary quickly without stopping to visit one another. We know this will be difficult, but we must think about the safety of all people.
  • The Order of Worship will be altered for this time but will not be permanent to accommodate social distancing practices.
  • Pick-up choir will take a sabbatical through the months of June and July
  • The church will continue to remain closed for all other activities, groups, and meetings outside of Sunday morning worship through July.


Please pray for our church as we continue to look for new opportunities to boldly proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ and to help the most vulnerable during this time of constraint, isolation, and social distancing. 

